Windows NT/2000/XP RegisterDNS utility Registers the External IP of this computer (as perceived from the Internet) (i.e. the IP of the NAT box/Firewall/Proxy if behind one) with the appropriate authoritative DNS server (with non-secure DDNS update) under the Fully Qualified DNS name (FQDN) provided in the first parameter Requires IE 5+ Uses the service Requires and includes the Windows NT/2000/XP implementation of BIND8.2.x nsupdate tool by Danny Mayer - - dated 30-Apr-2001. To register manually, run \RegisterDNS To have it done automatically, edit the RunRegisterDNS shortcut in the installation directory to specify your FQDN and then set up a Scheduled Task to execute \RunRegisterDNS.lnk daily, every hour for 24 hours, for example (make sure to uncheck 'stop after 72 hours'). Note that you cannot browse, you need to type in/paste the .lnk path above into the Task Scheduler window. The purpose of running through the shortcut is to run it minimized. From Danny's Readme: Please be aware that the tools MUST retrieve a nameserver IP address in order to work. There is a specific order that will be used to find the addresses. The order is as follows: it will look for the resolv.conf file in system32\Drivers\etc and try to open and read that file. Only if no nameserver IP Address has been found will it use the registry settings to obtain a nameserver IP Address. The main implication of this is that the DNS Tools MAY behave differently on a system running named than on one NOT running named, depending on a) whether or not you have customized resolv.conf and b) have moved the nameserver to a different system but not modified resolv.conf. Known Problems On Windows 2000 the tools may fail to work because they need a nameserver IP address and the file resolv.conf which lists the nameserver IP addresses may not exist in the system32\Drivers\etc directory. Since the location of the list in the Windows registry has changed, the resolver cannot find the list. The workaround is to create the resolv.conf file. Windows NT 4.0 does not have this problem and will work without the resolv.conf file. The above problem under Win2000/XP is resolved by the RegisterDNS utility by creating the needed resolv.conf file automatically. Note, however, that if this file already exist and was not generated by dnsservers.bat, it will NOT be modified.