Citrix ICA Client for Java Version 6.0.1146 Release Notes Copyright(c) 2000, Citrix Systems, Inc. Welcome to the Citrix ICA Client for Java. This README.TXT file includes the following sections: * What is New for Version 6.0 * System Requirements * Where to Find Documentation * Usage Notes, Restrictions, and Known Problems (VERY IMPORTANT--PLEASE READ) * Documentation Errata What is New for Version 6.0 =========================== This release includes new functionality in the following areas: o Client Drive Mapping o SpeedScreen Latency Reduction o Higher Color Depth and Resolution support o Strong Encryption o TCP+HTTP Browsing o Data Caching o Fixes to known issues in previous releases. System Requirements =================== This software requires a Java Runtime Environment 1.1 compatible environment or browser. The client has been explicitly tested with: IBM 1.1.8 on Linux x86 Redhat 6.1 Netscape 4.72 (glibc) on Linux x86 Redhat 6.1 Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.5 & MRJ2.2 on MacOS 8.6 / 9.0 Sun 1.1.8 on Solaris SPARC 2.6 / 2.7 Netscape 4.72 on Solaris SPARC 2.6 / 2.7 Sun 1.1.8 on Win98 / WinNT4 / Win2000 Microsoft Jview 5.00.x on Win98 / WinNT4 / Win2000 IBM JDK 1.1.8 on Win98 / WinNT4 / Win2000 Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01 on Win98 / WinNT4 / Win2000 See the Administrator's Guide for more details. On some platforms you will need to install additional software to use Audio and COM port mapping. See chapter 3 of the Administrator's Guide for more details. Where to Find Documentation =========================== The ICA Java Client Administrators Guide is for system administrators responsible for installing, configuring, and maintaining the ICA Java Client. This guide can be downloaded in Adobe Acrobat format from You can download the Adobe Acrobat Reader for free from Adobe's Web site at You can display online help when using Program Neighborhood. Click the Help button to display a list of topics. Usage Notes, Restrictions, and Known Problems ============================================= Right-click support for Macintosh users ======================================= To right-click when connected to a Citrix server with a Macintosh, hold down the command key and click the mouse button. Enabling Online Help ==================== For Program Neighborhood online help to work, you must set a system property for your Java virtual machine (JVM). This is usually done with the -d or /d: option, depending on your platform and JVM. For example, if you're using jview, edit the pnsession.bat file and add the following: /d:install.root=c:\citrix\javaclient This assumes you installed the ICA Java client in the default directory. If you installed the ICA Java client in another directory, adjust the line accordingly. Your resulting .bat file will look similar to this: @echo off REM Demonstration batch file "jview" /D:install.root=c:\Citrix\javaclient /cp:p "C:\Citrix\JavaClient\.;C:\Citrix\JavaClient\JICAEngJ.jar" %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 On a Unix-type platform, using java as the JVM, add the following (using the actual install directory if different than the default): -Dinstall.root=c:/Citrix/JavaClient Note: You must place the -D (or /D) option immediately after the JVM name. On a Macintosh, using MRJ 2.1 and the JBindery, you will need to click on the Properties icon. Enter "install.root" in the left-hand text box, and the name of the Java Client directory (e.g., "/Macintosh HD/JavaClient") in the right-hand text box, and press "Add." Application Set Refreshing ========================== The ICA Java Client, in Program Neighborhood mode, does not automatically refresh the list of applications displayed in the current application set. Click Refresh on the toolbar, or, from the View menu click Refresh, to see any new published applications or updates to the current application set. Setting the Client Name with the ICA Java Client ================================================ By default, the Java Client uses the value for localhostname (if it exists and isn't set to "localhost") as the client name reported to the Citrix server. If the Java Client cannot use localhostname, it uses "AnonJava" as the client name. To allow you greater control over the client name reported to a Citrix server, two parameters have been added. Note: The client name sent to the Citrix server is always truncated to 20 characters. client.WFClient.UseHostname This parameter determines whether the value for localhostname or the client name (set with the ClientName parameter) is sent to the Citrix server. The values are on and off. When set to on, the client sends the value for localhostname to the server (if localhostname is set to "localhost", it is ignored). When set to off, the client sends the value of the ClientName parameter to the server. If client.WFClient.ClientName is not set, an empty string is sent as the client name. When used on the command line, this parameter is preceded with a dash ("-"). The value is separated from the parameter with a colon (":"). For example, to set this parameter to on using the command line, use: -client.WFClient.UseHostname:on. To set this parameter to on in applet mode, use: . client.WFClient.ClientName This parameter specifies the client name sent to the Citrix server when client.WFClient.UseHostname is set to off. When used on the command line, this parameter is preceded with a dash ("-"). The value is separated from the parameter with a colon (":"). For example, to set this parameter to client1 using the command line, use: -client.WFClient.ClientName:client1. To set this parameter to client1 in applet mode, use: . Master Browser Not Located with Netscape and AIX JVMs ===================================================== Auto-locate is not supported with Netscape and AIX JVMs. To work around this limitation, please specify TCPBrowserAddress, as documented in Chapter 3 of the ICA Java Client Administrator's Guide. MacOS 8.5.1 =========== To use the ICA Java Client with Internet Explorer on MacOS 8.5.1 you must first install MRJ 2.2. Java Client applet displays English text in non-English versions of Netscape ============================================================================ The Java Environment under Netscape 4.5 does not correctly report the system's locale and the Java Client applet always displays English text. To work around this problem, you need to explicitly specify the language as an applet parameter, for example: Java Client Installation under some JVMs ======================================== Under some JVMs, the installation of the Java client does not successfully create the jicasession and pnsession scripts, which are needed to launch the Java Client. To create unix shell scripts: 1. Copy the following text to a file named pnsession in the root installation directory: #!/bin/sh CLASSPATH="JICAEngJ.jar:$CLASSPATH" ; export CLASSPATH $@ 2. Insert the path to your java interpreter on the path-to-java line, and save the file. 3. Copy this file to jicasession, but then replace with com.citrix.JICA. If the problem exists in a Windows environment, create an equivalent .bat file, for example: set CLASSPATH = "JICAEngJ.jar;$CLASSPATH" $@ Note the field separator in CLASSPATH is a semi-colon rather than a colon. SecureICA with IBM OS/2 Warp ============================ When using the IBM 1.1.8 JVM on OS/2 Warp, an access violation error may be reported when launching a Secure ICA session. This is a problem with the JIT compiler on this platform and can be worked around by editing the startup files (pnsession.bat and jicasession.bat) to specify "-nojit " immediately after the JVM name. Using SecureICA with NFuse 1.5 ============================== To make SecureICA connections with JICA applets, you must modify the web pages generated by the Nfuse wizard, and the example web pages distributed with NFuse1.5 as follows: 1. Ensure that the or jsafe.jar files are specified in the section of the web-page. 2. Ensure the parameter 'UseDefaultEncryption=off' is present under the [[Nfuse_AppFriendlyName]] section in the template.ica file. Documentation Errata ==================== The ICA Java Client Parameters table on page 33 of the ICA Java Client Administrator's guide states: desiredColor - The color depth of the ICA session windows. The values are 2 (256 colors), 3 (Thousands of colors), and 4 (Millions of colors). The default value in application mode is 256 colors. 16 color mode is not supported. This is incorrect. The actual values that you should specify are: 2 - 256 colors 4 - Thousands of colors 8 - Millions of colors In the examples in the Keyboards section on pages 61 and 62 of the ICA Java Client Administrator's guide, the parameters shown are: system.wfclient.keyboardtype and system.wfclient.keyboardlayout These are incorrect. The correct parameters are: user.wfclient.keyboardtype and user.wfclient.keyboardlayout