© Copyright 2000 Romke Soldaat. All Rights Reserved. ==================================================== The source code in this file is copyrighted material which may not be published in any form without explicit prior permission from the author. However, you are free to use the source code in your private, non-commercial, projects without permission. You are allowed to use these functions and routines in commercial products, provided the documentation of these products makes a reference to the original source. The following reference is recommended: (PART OF) THIS SOFTWARE IS BASED ON SOURCE CODE, ORIGINALLY CREATED BY ROMKE SOLDAAT (ROMKE@SOLDAAT.COM), AND PUBLISHED IN MICROSOFT OFFICE & VISUAL BASIC FOR APPLICATIONS DEVELOPER, BY INFORMANT COMMUNICATIONS GROUP (WWW.INFORMANT.COM) Running the Favorite Places Wizard ================================== The wizard is automatically executed when you open the file "Places Bar Wizard.doc". To view the source code, press Alt+F11. If you want to analyze or modify the source code, you must open the template in Word, just like a regular document. You can then view the VBA code in the VB editor.