This tool measures network driver performance and throughput on different network topologies and hardware setups. It provides the customer with a multi-threaded, asynchronous performance benchmark for measuring achievable data transfer rate on an existing network setup.
No build is required. Note that the same executable is present under two filenames, Ntttcpr.exe (receiver) and Ntttcps.exe (sender).
NTttcpr -m 4,0, [-a | -l | -n | -p | -w | -sb | -rb | -u | -x | -i | -v | -6]
NTttcps -m 4,0, [-a | -l | -n | -p | -w | -sb | -rb | -u | -x | -i | -v | -6]
Parameters List and Default Values
-a   specifies asynchronous transfer mode (default: 2)
-l    specifies the length of the buffer (default: 64K)
-n   specifies number of buffers being used (default: 20K)
-p   specifies the port number being used (default: 5001)
-w  WSASend / WSARecv mode
-sb  specifies the SO_SNDBUF size (default: zero)
-rb  specifies the SO_RCVBUF size (default: 64K)
-u   UDP send/recv mode
-x   specifies pkt array size for TransmitPacket (default: 1)
-i    specifies inifinite loop for UDP
-v   specifies verbose mode
-6   IPv6 support
-m   the mapping that specifies threads per link, processor number to which to set thread affinity, and IP address of receiver machine
You can run NTttcp over multiple LANs A and B as follows:
Sender Syntax:
NTttcps -m 2,0, 3,1, -a 3 -n 5000 -l 32k
LAN A has 2 threads running over processor 0 going to IP and sending 5000 32KB buffers with 3 outstanding I/Os
LAN B has 3 threads running over processor 1 going to IP and sending 5000 32KB buffers with 3 outstanding I/Os
LAN A Receiver Syntax:
NTttcpr -m 2,0, -a 6 -l 32K -n 5000 -p 5001
LAN B Receiver Syntax:
NTttcpr -m 3,0, -a 6 -l 32K -n 5000 -p 5003
- When sending packet lengths < 1460 bytes, set SO_SNDBUF > zero on sender and SO_RCVBUF to zero on receiver.
- Make sure the IP address of the receiver exists in both ntttcpr and ntttcps.
- Make sure the -a parameter is specified in both ntttcps.exe and ntttcpr.exe for best results.
- Specifying a -a value of 1 implies synchronous transfers and will not yield the best performance.
- Make sure you start ntttcpr first followed by ntttcps.
- If retransmits occur, try increasing -a value on receive side.
Copyright Version 2.2
Network activity progressing...
Thread Realtime(s) Throughput(KB/s) Throughput(Mbit/s)
===== ========  ============= ===============
Total Bytes(MEG)   Realtime(s)   Ave Frame Size   Total Throughput(Mbit/s)
=============   ========   ============  ===================
Total Buffers   Throughput(Buffers/s)   Pkts(sent/intr)   Intr(count/s)   Cycles/Byte
=========    ================   ===========   ==========   =========
Packets Sent   Packets Received   Total Retransmits   Total Errors   Avg. CPU %
==========  =============   =============   =========  =========
File DescriptionNtttcp.htm Documentation for this tool (this file). Ntttcpr.exe NTttcp receiver executable. Ntttcps.exe NTttcp sender executable.
© 2004 Microsoft Corporation