Microsoft Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 1 (SP1) Readme Document January 17, 2005 Information in this document, including URL and other Internet Web site references, is subject to change without notice and is provided for informational purposes only. The entire risk of the use or results of the use of this document remain with the user, and Microsoft Corporation makes no warranties, either express or implied. Unless otherwise noted, the example companies, organizations, products, people, and events depicted herein are fictitious. No association with any real company, organization, product, person, or event is intended or should be inferred. Complying with all applicable copyright laws is the responsibility of the user. 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The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. ======================== HOW TO USE THIS DOCUMENT ======================== To view the Readme file in Microsoft Windows Notepad, maximize the Notepad window. On the Format menu, click Word Wrap. To print the Readme file, open it in Notepad or another word processor, and then use the Print command on the File menu. ======== CONTENTS ======== 1. INTRODUCTION 2. AVAILABILITY OF WINDOWS PE 3. UPGRADING FROM PREVIOUS VERSIONS OF THE TOOLS 4. KNOWN ISSUES 5. DOCUMENTATION CORRECTIONS --------------- 1. INTRODUCTION --------------- This document provides current information about the tools included in the for Microsoft Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 1 (SP1) and Windows XP with Service Pack 2 (SP2). NOTE: The Setup Manager tool (Setupmgr.exe) contained in is intended for use only by corporate administrators. If you are a system builder, install the tools and documentation contained on the Windows OEM Preinstallation Kit (OPK) CD. A Windows OPK CD is contained in every multi-pack of Windows distributed by an OEM distributor to original computer manufacturers, assemblers, reassemblers, and/or software preinstallers of computer hardware under the Microsoft OEM System Builder License Agreement. Setup Manager no longer contains context-sensitive help. For more information about the individual pages in Setup Manager, see the topic "Setup Manager Settings" in the Microsoft Windows Corporate Deployment Tools User's Guide (Deploy.chm). ----------------------------- 2. AVAILABILITY OF WINDOWS PE ----------------------------- Windows Preinstallation Environment (Windows PE) is licensed to original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) for use in preinstalling Windows onto new computers. Windows PE is available for enterprise customers. For more information, contact your account manager. ------------------------------------------------ 3. UPGRADING FROM PREVIOUS VERSIONS OF THE TOOLS ------------------------------------------------ You can use the Windows Server 2003 with SP1 deployment tools to preinstall the following versions of Windows: * Original "gold" release of Windows XP * Windows XP with Service Pack 1 (SP1) and Windows XP with Service Pack 2 (SP2) * Original version of Windows Server 2003 * Windows Server 2003 with SP1 To preinstall x64 editions of Windows, use the tools located in the \tools\amd64 folder. To preinstall Itanium-based editions of Windows, use the tools located in the \tools\ia64 folder. Do not use the original "gold" release of Windows XP corporate deployment tools to preinstall the Windows Server 2003 family. If you installed an earlier version of the corporate deployment tools, you must upgrade those tools to the corporate deployment tools of Windows Server 2003 with SP1. Corporate deployment tools for earlier versions cannot coexist on the technician computer with corporate deployment tools for Windows Server 2003 with SP1. If you set up a distribution share with corporate deployment tools from the original "gold" Windows XP release or Windows XP with SP1, the Guest account is enabled. Setting up a new distribution share with the corporate deployment tools for Windows Server 2003 with SP1 does not automatically enable the Guest account. Also, upgrading the tools does not change the properties of an existing distribution share. --------------- 4. KNOWN ISSUES --------------- * Creating a Distribution Share on Windows Server 2003 If you install the corporate deployment tools on a computer running Windows Server 2003, you may need to complete an additional step when creating a distribution share. On a computer running Windows Server 2003, sharing a folder sets default permissions to read-only for the group Everyone. If you intend to enable Everyone to write to the distribution share from across the network, you must add additional permissions. Workaround: Add read-write permissions for the user(s) who need to write remotely to the distribution share. * Mini-Setup and MUI If you preinstall the Multilingual User Interface (MUI) Pack during Sysprep in Factory mode (Sysprep -factory) and restart the computer into Mini-Setup, then all pages in Mini-Setup are truncated. Workaround: Set the default user interface for MUI to English. * No Manual Modifications During Factory Mode Do not manually modify the Windows installation when Sysprep is running in Factory mode. Workaround: Use the Winbom.ini file to modify the Windows installation when you run the Sysprep -factory command. -OR- Use the Sysprep -audit command if you want to modify the Windows installation manually. * Changing User Locale Prevents Help From Opening If the corporate deployment tools are installed into a localized directory, and the User Locale is changed to another language, the corporate deployment help files cannot be opened. Workaround: Change the User Locale to match the language of the localized directory. * Using Sysprep to Install Test Certificates You can use Sysprep to install Test Certificates to enable the testing of drivers that are test signed by Windows Hardware Quality Lab (WHQL) on an operating system image, even if the image has had Sysprep run against it. See Microsoft Knowledge Base article KB321559 for details. * Update.exe Requires a Windows Product CD You cannot run Update.exe within an I386 directory to update a Windows installation to the latest service pack. You must run Update.exe against the entire contents of a Windows product CD. If the entire contents of a Windows product CD is not present in your installation share, Update.exe fails to complete the installation process. * Running Sysprep on Upgraded Windows Installations Microsoft recommends that you run Sysprep only on integrated ("slipstreamed") Windows installations. However, if this is not practical,you can run Sysprep.exe on an installation of Windows that was upgraded to the latest service pack using Update.exe. To do so, use the following procedure: 1. Install the service pack on the computer that you want to image (the master installation) by using the /n option to ensure that the update cannot be uninstalled. For example, at the command prompt, type: update /n 2. Restart the computer after the installation of the service pack completes before performing other actions such as installing applications or configuring settings. 3. Delete the %WINDIR%\platform or C:\platform folder on the master computer, where platform equals i386, amd64, or ia64. For example, type: rd /s /q %WINDIR%\i386 4. Copy the platform folder of a distribution folder that has been updated to the same service pack version as the master installation to the %WINDIR%\platform or c:\platform folder. For example, type: xcopy \\tech\XP\i386\*.* %WINDIR%\i386\ /cherky 5. Install any additional applications and perform any further customizations. At the end of your preinstallation process, you must use the Sysprep tool to prepare the computer for imaging. * RA_AllowUnsolicited RA_MaxTicketExpiry Entries in Unattend.txt The RA_AllowUnsolicited and RA_MaxTicketExpiry entries in the [PCHealth] section of Unattend.txt do not work. To configure these settings, use Group Policy. ---------------------------- 5. DOCUMENTATION CORRECTIONS ---------------------------- * The "Adding Hotfixes to a Windows PE Image" topic instructs you to extract files from a hotfix. To do so, use the /x option. For example, to extract the WindowsXP-KB884020-x86-enu.exe hotfix, at a command prompt navigate to the directory in which the hotfix is located, and then type: WindowsXP-KB884020-x86-enu.exe /x * In the "Using Sysprep in Factory Mode" topic, the description of the search algorithm used by Factory.exe to search for Winbom.ini has been updated to include the CD-boot scenario. Locating a Winbom.ini File Factory.exe searches for a Winbom.ini file in the following locations in consecutive order: - The path and file name specified by the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Factory\Winbom. - The root of all removable media drives that are not CD-ROM drives, such as a floppy disk drive. - The root of all CD-ROM drives, or when booting from CD, the root of all fixed drives. - The location of Factory.exe, usually the %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Sysprep folder. - The root of %SYSTEMDRIVE%. - When booting from CD, the root of all CD-ROM drives. * The F6 behavior during Setup for loading bootable mass-storage drivers has changed for x64 computers. To add mass-storage drivers on a floppy disk to x64 computers during Setup by pressing F6, the drivers must be in a directory on the floppy disk named A:\AMD64. * The DefaultThemesOff entry in the [Shell] section of Winbom.ini is not supported by the Windows Server 2003 family. * The -noreboot command-line option of Sysprep.exe does not modify any security ID (SID) registry data. * In the comments for the DisableVirtualOemDevices entry of the “[Unattended] (Unattend.txt)” topic, replace: “An example of a virtual OEM device is a RAM disk that has mass-storage drivers, related .inf files, and so on.” with: “An example of a virtual OEM device is a flash memory device containing mass-storage drivers, related .inf files, and so on.”