######################################################################## # # Citrix ICA Client for Unix Version 6.0 # # Copyright 1996-2000 Citrix Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. # ######################################################################## This file contains the latest information relating to the Citrix ICA Client for Unix. Please read this file fully before using the Citrix ICA Client for Unix. It contains important information that may be more up to date than other documentation you have available. For online help open the file contents.htm in the help directory with a web-based browser. For the latest information on this, and other Citrix Systems, Inc. products, please visit our World Wide Web site at: http://www.citrix.com/ 1. Contents =========== New Features Non-feature items addressed in this release Miscellaneous Your Comments Please 2. New Features =============== 2.1 New color depths - the client now supports sessions with colour depths of 16 and 24 bits per pixel. 2.2 Increased resolution - the client now supports sessions larger than 1280x1024. The theoretical maximum size is 32767x32767. 2.3 Seamless windows - published applications may now be displayed in seamless window mode. This creates a separate client window to display each application window. These windows may be individually moved, resized and iconified. Several published applications can share a session conserving server resources and licenses. 2.4 Speedscreen Latency Reduction - on slow connections this feature gives rapid feedback for keyboard and mouse input. 2.5 Netscape plug-in module - allows an ICA session to be displayed as part of a web page in a Netscape browser. 2.6 SOCKS support - the client can negotiate with a SOCKS server to allow a session to pass through a firewall. 2.7 Secure ICA - provides strong encryption for ICA sessions. 2.8 HTTP browsing - supports Citrix NFuse and allows Citrix servers to be found when using firewalls that do not pass UDP traffic. 2.9 Connection Center - a new client manager window that lists all ICA sessions and the published applications that they contain. Applications and sessions using Seamless Windows can be terminated from within the client manager. 2.10 RTF clipboard support - the client now supports cutting and pasting of data in the Microsoft Rich Text Format. 2.11 Mouse wheel support - the client can map mouse buttons 4 and 5 to mouse wheel motion messages. This is for use with X servers that report mouse wheel motion as simulated button presses. 2.12 Linux - the "Flying Window" and menu keys on PC keyboards are supported. 3. Non-feature items also addressed in this release =================================================== 3.1 UDP broadcasts used to locate a Citrix Master Browser now use the configured local broadcast address. Multiple network interfaces are supported. 4. Miscellaneous ================ 4.1 Changing Server List ------------------------ If you find that the list of available servers in the Server field of the Properties dialog appears to change, this is because you have access to more than one network with a number of servers on each. Normally the list reflects the network that the ICA Client is on. However, depending on network load and the load on the Citrix servers, sometimes the other network browser responds first and another list is displayed. To produce a consistent list you should specify one of the servers on the required list as the server browser in the Network/Properties dialog. 4.2 Zooming in Adobe Photoshop ------------------------------ It should be noted that the Adobe Photoshop zoom out utility using shift-leftmouse is not supported by the ICA Client for Unix. To use this feature you should select the appropriate menu option instead of using the mouse. 4.3 Resolving Names for Internet Servers ---------------------------------------- To allow you to resolve names of Internet Servers that you wish to connect to, it is recommended that you have DNS (Domain Name System) installed on your machine. 4.4 Attributes cannot be set for files on floppies -------------------------------------------------- Attempting to set file attributes (e.g. using the DOS ATTRIB command or Windows File Manager) on a locally mounted floppy drive silently fails. The file attributes are left unchanged. 4.5 Problems moving files on DOS floppies mounted on Sun machines ----------------------------------------------------------------- On DOS floppies mounted on Sun machines the client has to move files to subdirectories by making a copy and deleting the original. This means that it will fail if there is insufficient space for a second copy. The Unix mv(1) suffers from the same limitation. 4.6 Problem copying large files to DOS floppies on SunOS -------------------------------------------------------- On SunOS (Solaris 1.x) copying large files to a DOS floppy may fail with a Disk Full error even when there is sufficient space. This is because the WinFrame or MetaFrame server issues a FileChangeSize request before writing the data, and SunOS cannot respond rapidly enough to this request. An entry IgnoreFileChangeSize with the value True may be set in the [WFClient] section of wfclient.ini. This stops the timeout occurring allowing large files to be copied. However this solution may have other side-effects, and it should only be used if this problem is encountered. 4.7 Client Licensing and Multi-Homed Hosts ------------------------------------------ Client licensing relies on being able to determine a unique host id. On Digital Unix and HP-UX the host id is obtained from the address of a running network controller. On multi-homed hosts the default is to use the first running network controller provided it is up. This may be overridden by setting the IdentificationController parameter in the [WFClient] section of wfclient.ini to the name of a network device to use. For example "ln0", "tra1", "lan2", etc. 4.8 Using UK Keyboards with WinFrame ------------------------------------- International keyboard support for WinFrame servers is available by applying the appropriate Unicode hotfix. However, if this hotfix cannot be applied to your WinFrame server, UK keyboards can be supported as follows: i. Edit the file $ICAROOT/keyboard/keyboard.ini ii. For Sun, HP, DEC and Silicon Graphics keyboards, uncomment the UK keyboards in the appropriate section ([Sun], [HP], [DEC], or [SGI]) by removing the semi-colon (;) from the start of each line. iii. For Data General, rename the [DG] section to [DGkbd], rename the [DG with UK] section to [DG] and in the [DGkbd] section enter a semi-colon (;) at the start of the line "ButtonLabel = Data General" and remove the semi-colon (;) from the start of the line "ButtonLabel = US/International". 4.9 Correct operation of Client Drive Mapping with filenames containing accented characters ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Correct operation of Client Drive Mapping with filenames containing accented characters (e.g. Ä) may only be obtained by setting the Citrix Server DOS codepage to 1252. This may be accomplished by setting the server registry entry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nls\CodePage\OEMCP to 1252. However within a console window you may then need to set the codepage back to 850 using the CHCP command in order for DOS applications to display correct characters and accept alt-numeric entries from the keypad. 4.10 NumLock Operation On Linux ------------------------------- The NumLock key operates incorrectly on some installations of Linux. To configure Linux so that NumLock works, edit the file XF86Config (usually located under /etc or /etc/X11). In the "keyboard" section make sure that the following lines are either not present or are commented-out (as shown below): # ServerNumLock # XkbDisable 4.11 Rapid Color Changes with TrueColor Displays ------------------------------------------------ When connecting to a Citrix server users are given the option of using 256 colors. The 256 color option assumes video hardware with palette support which allows applications to rapidly change the palette colors producing animated displays. On a TrueColor display there is no facility to emulate the ability to produce animations by rapidly changing the palette. Emulating it in software is relatively expensive in time and network traffic. In order to reduce this, the Unix client is configured to buffer up rapid palette changes and only update the real palette every few seconds. 4.12 SCO Unixware 2.1.3 - Unable to display in 16 color mode ------------------------------------------------------------ In some cases, the client session is unable to display graphics and text properly. To compensate for these cases, the following line should be added to the [WFClient] section of wfclient.ini: ForcePlaneMask = True 4.13 Color Approximation Limitations ------------------------------------ Color Approximation will fall back to using a private colormap if other applications have allocated all 256 colors. 4.14 Redhat Package Manager (RPM) issues (Linux) ------------------------------------------------ Client packages distributed in RPM format have a few differences from the normal tar file installations. The setupwfc script is not needed and has been removed, as has the install.txt file; references to setupwfc in the html documentation should be disregarded. Uninstalling the client should be performed using "rpm -e ICAClient". Note that this may not delete the cache directory (/usr/lib/ICAClient/cache) which then will require manual removal. 4.15 Client Printer Auto-Creation --------------------------------- The client can now determine the Unix system default printer and pass this information back to the server. This printer will appear as 'Auto Created Client Printer' in the WinFrame or MetaFrame Printer Control Panel and should be selected as the default printer. The default printer can be overridden by the LPDEST or PRINTER environment variable on HP-UX and the PRINTER environment variable on Linux. It may also be overriden by the DefaultPrinter setting in the [WFClient] section of wfclient.ini. This will override any environment variable setting. In order for this feature to work it is also necessary to set up a driver name in the form that Windows recognises. This is done by setting DefaultPrinterDriver in the [WFClient] section of wfclient.ini as above. For example 'HP LaserJet 4Si MX' or 'HP LaserJet 8000 Series PS' are strings that may be used if the appropriate drivers have been installed on WinFrame or MetaFrame. 4.16 Seamless with various window managers ------------------------------------------ The default Seamless mode removes the local window manager decorations (title bar and borders) from and uses the decorations sent from the server. Window managers differ in their mechanism to remove window decorations. The client provides two hints to the window manager to remove the decorations. It sets the Motif hint _MOTIF_DECORATIONS or the KWM hint KWM_DECORATIONS as required to remove the decorations. Also, it sets the class and name of all seamless windows to "Wfica_Seamless", so that a window manager that does not recognize the hints can be told to remove the decorations via resource files entries. 4.17 Opaque movement of Seamless windows ---------------------------------------- Some window managers will continuously report the new window position while moving a window. This may cause excessive redrawing as the new positions are reported to the Citrix server. Switching to a mode where the window manager draws only the window outline when moving a window will solve this problem. 4.18 Auto-raise of Seamless windows ----------------------------------- If the window manager focus policy is focus-follows-mouse then Seamless windows will be automatically raised when the pointer enters them. This is an unavoidable consequence of the server OS focus policy. 5. Your Comments Please ======================= The help information supplied with this package has details of how to contact Citrix's Technical Support or Customer Service departments. Please contact these departments if you have any problems with the software or wish to get further product information. If you have any comments about the Citrix ICA Client for Unix software or documentation, please send them by letter or fax to: Citrix Systems, Inc. 6400 NW 6th Way Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 1-800-437-7503 http://www.citrix.com/ ########################################################################