A SQL Server stored procedure that you can call is one that returns a status, or result, parameter. This is typically used to indicate the success or failure of the stored procedure. The Microsoft SQL Server 2005 JDBC Driver provides the SQLServerCallableStatement class, which you can use to call this kind of stored procedure and to process the data that it returns.

When you call this kind of stored procedure by using the JDBC driver, you have to use the call SQL escape sequence in conjunction with the prepareCall method of the SQLServerConnection class. The syntax for the call escape sequence with a return status parameter is the following:

{[?=]call procedure-name[([parameter][,[parameter]]...)]}

Note: For more information about the SQL escape sequences, see Using SQL Escape Sequences.

When you construct the call escape sequence, specify the return status parameter by using the ? (question mark) character. This character acts as a placeholder for the parameter value that will be returned from the stored procedure. To specify a value for a return status parameter, you must specify the data type of the parameter by using the registerOutParameter method of the SQLServerCallableStatement class, before executing the stored procedure.

Note: When using the JDBC driver with a SQL Server database, the value that you specify for the return status parameter in the registerOutParameter method will always be an integer, which you can specify by using the java.sql.Types.INTEGER data type.

In addition, when you pass a value to the registerOutParameter method for a return status parameter, you must specify not only the data type to be used for the parameter, but also the parameter's ordinal placement in the stored procedure call. In the case of the return status parameter, its ordinal position will always be 1 because it is always the first parameter in the call to the stored procedure.

As an example, create the following stored procedure in the SQL Server 2005 AdventureWorks sample database:

   @cityName CHAR(50)
   FROM Person.Address
   WHERE City = @cityName) > 1)

This stored procedure returns a status value of 1 or 0, depending on whether the city that is specified in the cityName parameter is found in the Person.Address table.

In the following example, an open connection to the AdventureWorks sample database is passed in to the function, and the execute method is used to call the CheckContactCity stored procedure:

public static void executeStoredProcedure(Connection con) {
   try {
      CallableStatement cstmt = con.prepareCall("{? = call dbo.CheckContactCity(?)}");
      cstmt.registerOutParameter(1, java.sql.Types.INTEGER);
      cstmt.setString(2, "Atlanta");
      System.out.println("RETURN STATUS: " + cstmt.getInt(1));
   catch (Exception e) {

See Also