
Creating a Connection

This topic describes how to make a connection to a Citrix server, and how to edit the connection details. To connect to a Citrix server you need to have a user name and password set up for you on the server, and you need to know the name of the server and (where required) the domain.

To define a connection


  1. Choose New... from the Entry menu, or click the New Entry icon. The Properties dialog box is displayed to allow you to define a new connection:

  2. Edit the Description to describe the connection you are creating. The description is used to identify the connection in the Citrix ICA Client window.
  3. Select Server or Published Application. Choose a Citrix server or published application from the drop-down list. Alternatively, you can type the name of Citrix server or published application that you want to connect to.
  4. If you want to log in as a specific user, select the Login page. Enter the appropriate details in the Username, Domain (when required), and Password boxes. If you leave the fields blank you are prompted for them, if necessary, when you connect.
  5. Click OK to create a connection with the properties you have specified. The Citrix ICA Client window shows the connection you have created:

Note: If no Citrix servers or published applications appear in the drop-down list, see Setting Server Location.