JavaScript The JavaScript Vision library source code and documentation for version is provided in zip format.

JavaScript This icon can be placed on the pages that you create to show that the pages are powered by JavaScript Vision. You are welcome to use this icon freely, but if you link it, please only link them to the main JavaScript Vision page of this site. This is at

Saving an Icon to Your Hard Drive

Place your mouse over the top of the icon and click your right mouse button. In Microsoft Internet Explorer, select Save Picture As.... In Netscape Navigator, select Save Image As.... You'll then get a dialog box asking you where you want to save the icon. Select a folder on your hard drive and click OK. The icon is now in that folder!

Adding the Icon to Your Page

To include the icon in your page, simply include the following HTML:

<A HREF="" TARGET="_top">
<IMG ALT="JavaScript Vision" WIDTH=88 HEIGHT=31 SRC="(image path and name)" BORDER="0"></A>

(image path and name) is the location where you saved the icon. Please use the icons to link only to

The Quick and Dirty Way!

In an instant, you can include a JavaScript Vision button icon on your page by cutting and pasting the following HTML into your document:

<A HREF="" TARGET="_top">
<IMG ALT="JavaScript Vision" WIDTH=88 HEIGHT=31 SRC="" BORDER="0"></A>

And you'll get this:


There's no need to download any graphics if you do it this way!