See also: parseString

Splits a string into pieces delimited by a specific character and then creates an array with those pieces. If no delimiter is specified, the splitString function splits the string using a comma (',') as the delimiter.


JSV_splitString(expS [, delimiter])




Returns an array of elements from a expS. If the delimiter does not exist in the string, then the string expS is returned as the element of a one-dimensional array.


The splitString function uses the following arguments.

Argument Description
expS String being searched.
delimiter Optional. Single delimiter used in string. Default value is a comma.


Unlike parseString, splitString only separates the delimited list based on one delimiter and does not provide the capability for the programmer to retain the delimiters in the resulting array.

Deprecated. Use the split method of String that splits a String object into an array of strings by separating the string into substrings.


JSV_isEmpty, JSV_occurs


The following lines of code

var i = 0;
var delimitedString = "red,white,blue";
document.write( "The delimited string " +
    delimitedString.bold() + 
    " contains the following elements:" );
var dsElements = JSV_splitString(delimitedString, ",");
for (i=0; i<dsElements.length; i++) {
    document.write( "Element " + i + " is " + dsElements[i].bold() );
