See also: retrieveData

This function saves all, or selected, user data entered in the form as a cookie. This data can then be retrieved later (see JSV_retrieveData) to repopulate the form fields.


JSV_storeData(formName, numberOfDays [, excludeFields])




The storeData function returns a pointer to the passed form specification.


The storeData function uses the following argument.

Argument Description
formName The name of the form. This name is used for storing the cookie and when the data is retrieved.
numberOfDays An integer value that sets the expiration date for the cookie. For example, if a value of '7' is used, then the cookie will expire in one week.
excludeFields Optional. A string of field names, separated by a comma. Values for these fields will not be saved in the cookie. To save all field data, omit this argument.


The JSV_storeData function allows you to exclude any field or fields from being saved in the cookie, e.g., a credit card number and expiration date. This feature is useful for fields that may contain sensitive information or when it does not make sense to retain the data, such as a product number on an order form.

The JSV_storeData and JSV_retrieveData functions can handle all types of text fields (hidden, password, text and textarea), selection lists (single and multiple), checkboxes and radio buttons.

The storeData function was written by Mike Hall at BrainJar.

How it Works

The JSV_storeData function loops through the form fields and creates a deliminated string of each field name and value, skipping any field name that appears in the exclusion list. This string is then stored as a cookie with the given name and expiration date. The deliminators used are non-printable characters so there will be no conflict with the data.

JSV_retrieveData function reads the named cookie and parses the field name/value pairs. It then looks for a form with the same name on the page and sets the values according to what is stored in the cookie.

For text fields, this is easy. It simply copies the value. But for radio buttons, check boxes and selection lists, the function must look at each available option for that particular field. If one matches the value stored, it marks it as checked or selected.

Using the Script

Use the onSubmit method of the FORM tag to call the JSV_storeData function.

<form name="myForm"
      onsubmit="return JSV_storeData(, 7);">

To load the data back into the form, call the JSV_retrieveData function passing it the name of the form. This function will retrieve the cookie and repopulate the named form. You might call the JSV_retrieveData function using the onLoad method of the BODY tag.

<body onload="JSV_retrieveData('myForm');">

Or you can provide a link or button on the Web page that will call the JSV_retrieveData function when clicked. This gives the user an option whether they would like to restore the data or not. This would be good for setting user profiles or defaults.

<a href="#" onclick="JSV_retrieveData('myForm'); return false;">Load Defaults</a>

Note that if you change a form field's name or the values of a radio, checkbox or selection list those fields will not be reloaded on the user's next visit. Likewise, if you change the form name, any previous saved data will be rendered useless. This can be done if you need to rework the form and want a fresh start.




(View source to see the code for this example)

Movie Title #1:
Movie Title #2:
Card Type: American Express
Card Number:
Expiration Date (mm/yy):