Concatenates the elements of an array, separated by occurrences of the delimiter, from a starting position and to an ending position.


JSV_subjoin(expA [, start, end, delimiter])


expA.subjoin([start, end, delimiter])


Returns the concatenated elements of the array, separated by occurrences of the delimiter. If start and end are specified, the concatenated elements beginning at the start element and running to, but not including, the end element of the array.


The subjoin function uses the following arguments.

Argument Description
expA Array being acted upon.
start Optional. The beginning element of the array. If start is not provided, the concatenation starts with the first element of the array (element 0).
end Optional. The element of the array included up to but not in the resulting string. If end is not provided, the concatenation concludes with the last element of the array (element array length-1).
delimiter Optional. Single delimiter used in resulting string. If delimiter is not provided, a single comma is used.


The start, end and delimiter arguments may be specified in any order. If start is larger than end, they are swapped (see the Two results in Example below).

Additionally, to transform an array into a delimited string, the JavaScript join function can also be used.




The following lines of code

var drSeuss = new Array(6);
drSeuss[0] = "One Fish";
drSeuss[1] = "Two Fish";
drSeuss[2] = "Red Fish";
drSeuss[3] = "Blue Fish";
drSeuss[4] = "Green Eggs";
drSeuss[5] = "Green Ham";

document.write( "All: ".bold() + JSV_subjoin(drSeuss) );
document.write( "Five: ".bold() + JSV_subjoin(drSeuss,'$',1) );
document.write( "Four: ".bold() + JSV_subjoin(drSeuss,0,4) );
document.write( "Two: ".bold() + JSV_subjoin(drSeuss,6,"&",4) );
document.write( "One: ".bold() + JSV_subjoin(drSeuss,3,4) );
document.write( "Prototype: ".bold() + drSeuss.subjoin(';',0,4) );
