Apache JMeter

Interface Assertion

All Known Implementing Classes:
BeanShellAssertion, BSFAssertion, CompareAssertion, DurationAssertion, HTMLAssertion, JSR223Assertion, MD5HexAssertion, ResponseAssertion, SizeAssertion, SMIMEAssertionTestElement, XMLAssertion, XMLSchemaAssertion, XPathAssertion

public interface Assertion

An Assertion checks a SampleResult to determine whether or not it is successful. The resulting success status can be obtained from a corresponding Assertion Result. For example, if a web response doesn't contain an expected expression, it would be considered a failure.

$Revision: 674351 $

Method Summary
 AssertionResult getResult(SampleResult response)
          Returns the AssertionResult object encapsulating information about the success or failure of the assertion.

Method Detail


AssertionResult getResult(SampleResult response)
Returns the AssertionResult object encapsulating information about the success or failure of the assertion.

response - the SampleResult containing information about the Sample (duration, success, etc)
the AssertionResult containing the information about whether the assertion passed or failed.

Apache JMeter

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