Apache JMeter

Interface Function

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractFunction, BeanShell, CharFunction, CompoundVariable, CSVRead, EscapeHtml, EvalFunction, EvalVarFunction, FileToString, IntSum, IterationCounter, JavaScript, Jexl2Function, JexlFunction, LogFunction, LogFunction2, LongSum, MachineIP, MachineName, Property, Property2, Random, RandomString, RegexFunction, SamplerName, SetProperty, SplitFunction, StringFromFile, TestPlanName, ThreadNumber, TimeFunction, UnEscape, UnEscapeHtml, Variable, XPath

public interface Function

Methods that a function must implement

Method Summary
 String execute(SampleResult previousResult, Sampler currentSampler)
          Given the previous SampleResult and the current Sampler, return a string to use as a replacement value for the function call.
 List<String> getArgumentDesc()
          Return a list of strings briefly describing each parameter your function takes.
 String getReferenceKey()
          Return the name of your function.
 void setParameters(Collection<CompoundVariable> parameters)
          A collection of the parameters used to configure your function.

Method Detail


String execute(SampleResult previousResult,
               Sampler currentSampler)
               throws InvalidVariableException
Given the previous SampleResult and the current Sampler, return a string to use as a replacement value for the function call. Assume "setParameter" was previously called. This method must be threadsafe - multiple threads will be using the same object.



void setParameters(Collection<CompoundVariable> parameters)
                   throws InvalidVariableException
A collection of the parameters used to configure your function. Each parameter is a CompoundVariable and can be resolved by calling the execute() method of the CompoundVariable (which should be done at execution.)

parameters -


String getReferenceKey()
Return the name of your function. Convention is to prepend "__" to the name (ie "__regexFunction")


List<String> getArgumentDesc()
Return a list of strings briefly describing each parameter your function takes. Please use JMeterUtils.getResString(resource_name) to grab a resource string. Otherwise, your help text will be difficult to internationalize. This list is not optional. If you don't wish to write help, you must at least return a List containing the correct number of blank strings, one for each argument.

Apache JMeter

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