Apache JMeter

Interface CookieHandler

All Known Implementing Classes:
HC3CookieHandler, HC4CookieHandler

public interface CookieHandler

Interface to be implemented by CookieHandler

Method Summary
 void addCookieFromHeader(CookieManager cookieManager, boolean checkCookies, String cookieHeader, URL url)
          Add cookie to CookieManager from cookieHeader and URL
 String getCookieHeaderForURL(CollectionProperty cookiesCP, URL url, boolean allowVariableCookie)
          Find cookies applicable to the given URL and build the Cookie header from them.

Method Detail


void addCookieFromHeader(CookieManager cookieManager,
                         boolean checkCookies,
                         String cookieHeader,
                         URL url)
Add cookie to CookieManager from cookieHeader and URL

cookieManager - CookieManager on which cookies are added
checkCookies - boolean to indicate if cookies must be validated against spec
cookieHeader - String cookie Header
url - URL


String getCookieHeaderForURL(CollectionProperty cookiesCP,
                             URL url,
                             boolean allowVariableCookie)
Find cookies applicable to the given URL and build the Cookie header from them.

cookiesCP - CollectionProperty of Cookie
url - URL of the request to which the returned header will be added.
the value string for the cookie header (goes after "Cookie: ").

Apache JMeter

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