Apache JMeter

Class ParamModifier

  extended by org.apache.jmeter.testelement.AbstractTestElement
      extended by org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.modifier.ParamModifier
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, Searchable, PreProcessor, TestElement, TestStateListener

public class ParamModifier
extends AbstractTestElement
implements TestStateListener, PreProcessor, Serializable

This modifier will replace any single http sampler's url parameter value with a value from a given range - thereby "masking" the value set in the http sampler. The parameter names must match exactly, and the parameter value must be preset to "*" to diferentiate between duplicate parameter names.

For example, if you set up the modifier with a lower bound of 1, an upper bound of 10, and an increment of 2, and run the loop 12 times, the parameter will have the following values (one per loop): 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 1, 3

The ParamMask object contains most of the logic for stepping through this loop. You can make large modifications to this modifier's behaviour by changing one or two method implementations there.

$Revision: 1376300 $
See Also:
ParamMask, Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface org.apache.jmeter.testelement.TestElement
Constructor Summary
          Default constructor.
Method Summary
 ParamMask getMask()
 void process()
          Modifies an entry object to replace the value of any url parameter that matches a defined mask.
 void testEnded()
           Called once for all threads after the end of a test.
 void testEnded(String host)
           Called once for all threads after the end of a test.
 void testStarted()
           Called just before the start of the test from the main engine thread.
 void testStarted(String host)
           Called just before the start of the test from the main engine thread.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.jmeter.testelement.AbstractTestElement
addPropertiesValues, addProperty, addProperty, addTestElement, canRemove, clear, clearTemporary, clearTestElementChildren, clone, emptyTemporary, equals, getComment, getName, getProperty, getPropertyAsBoolean, getPropertyAsBoolean, getPropertyAsDouble, getPropertyAsFloat, getPropertyAsInt, getPropertyAsInt, getPropertyAsLong, getPropertyAsLong, getPropertyAsString, getPropertyAsString, getSearchableTokens, getThreadContext, getThreadName, hashCode, isEnabled, isRunningVersion, isTemporary, logProperties, mergeIn, propertyIterator, recoverRunningVersion, removeProperty, setComment, setName, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setProperty, setRunningVersion, setTemporary, setThreadContext, setThreadName, traverse, traverseCollection, traverseMap, traverseProperty
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ParamModifier()
Default constructor.

Method Detail


public ParamMask getMask()


public void testStarted()
Description copied from interface: TestStateListener

Called just before the start of the test from the main engine thread. This is before the test elements are cloned. Note that not all the test variables will have been set up at this point.

N.B. testStarted() and testEnded() are called from different threads.

Specified by:
testStarted in interface TestStateListener
See Also:


public void testStarted(String host)
Description copied from interface: TestStateListener

Called just before the start of the test from the main engine thread. This is before the test elements are cloned. Note that not all the test variables will have been set up at this point.

N.B. testStarted() and testEnded() are called from different threads.

Specified by:
testStarted in interface TestStateListener
host - name of host
See Also:


public void testEnded()
Description copied from interface: TestStateListener

Called once for all threads after the end of a test. This will use the same element instances as at the start of the test.

N.B. testStarted() and testEnded() are called from different threads.

Specified by:
testEnded in interface TestStateListener
See Also:


public void testEnded(String host)
Description copied from interface: TestStateListener

Called once for all threads after the end of a test. This will use the same element instances as at the start of the test.

N.B. testStarted() and testEnded() are called from different threads.

Specified by:
testEnded in interface TestStateListener
host - name of host
See Also:


public void process()
Modifies an entry object to replace the value of any url parameter that matches a defined mask.

Specified by:
process in interface PreProcessor

Apache JMeter

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