Apache JMeter

Interface LogParser

All Known Implementing Classes:
OrderPreservingLogParser, SharedTCLogParser, TCLogParser

public interface LogParser


LogParser is the base interface for classes implementing concrete parse logic. For an example of how to use the interface, look at the Tomcat access log parser.

The original log parser was written in 2 hours to parse access logs. Since then, the design and implementation has been rewritten from scratch several times to make it more generic and extensible. The first version was hard coded and written over the weekend.

$Revision: 1377070 $

Method Summary
 void close()
          close the any streams or readers.
 int parseAndConfigure(int count, TestElement el)
          the method will parse the given number of lines.
 void setFilter(Filter filter)
          We allow for filters, so that users can simply point to an Access log without having to clean it up.
 void setSourceFile(String source)
          The method is provided to make it easy to dynamically create new classes using Class.newInstance().

Method Detail


void close()
close the any streams or readers.


int parseAndConfigure(int count,
                      TestElement el)
the method will parse the given number of lines. Pass "-1" to parse the entire file. If the end of the file is reached without parsing a line, a 0 is returned. If the method is subsequently called again, it will restart parsing at the beginning.

count -


void setFilter(Filter filter)
We allow for filters, so that users can simply point to an Access log without having to clean it up. This makes it significantly easier and reduces the amount of work. Plus I'm lazy, so going through a log file to clean it up is a bit tedious. One example of this is using the filter to exclude any log entry that has a 505 response code.

filter -


void setSourceFile(String source)
The method is provided to make it easy to dynamically create new classes using Class.newInstance(). Then the access log file is set using this method.

source -

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