Apache JMeter

Class JavaSamplerContext

  extended by org.apache.jmeter.protocol.java.sampler.JavaSamplerContext

public class JavaSamplerContext
extends Object

JavaSamplerContext is used to provide context information to a JavaSamplerClient implementation. This currently consists of the initialization parameters which were specified in the GUI. Additional data may be accessible through JavaSamplerContext in the future.

$Revision: 901937 $

Constructor Summary
JavaSamplerContext(Arguments args)
          Create a new JavaSampler with the specified initialization parameters.
Method Summary
 boolean containsParameter(String name)
          Determine whether or not a value has been specified for the parameter with this name.
 int getIntParameter(String name)
          Get the value of a specified parameter as an integer.
 int getIntParameter(String name, int defaultValue)
          Get the value of a specified parameter as an integer, or return the specified default value if the value was not specified or is not an integer.
 long getLongParameter(String name)
          Get the value of a specified parameter as a long.
 long getLongParameter(String name, long defaultValue)
          Get the value of a specified parameter as along, or return the specified default value if the value was not specified or is not a long.
 String getParameter(String name)
          Get the value of a specific parameter as a String, or null if the value was not specified.
 String getParameter(String name, String defaultValue)
          Get the value of a specified parameter as a String, or return the specified default value if the value was not specified.
 Iterator<String> getParameterNamesIterator()
          Get an iterator of the parameter names.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public JavaSamplerContext(Arguments args)
Create a new JavaSampler with the specified initialization parameters.

args - the initialization parameters.
Method Detail


public boolean containsParameter(String name)
Determine whether or not a value has been specified for the parameter with this name.

name - the name of the parameter to test
true if the parameter value has been specified, false otherwise.


public Iterator<String> getParameterNamesIterator()
Get an iterator of the parameter names. Each entry in the Iterator is a String.

an Iterator of Strings listing the names of the parameters which have been specified for this test.


public String getParameter(String name)
Get the value of a specific parameter as a String, or null if the value was not specified.

name - the name of the parameter whose value should be retrieved
the value of the parameter, or null if the value was not specified


public String getParameter(String name,
                           String defaultValue)
Get the value of a specified parameter as a String, or return the specified default value if the value was not specified.

name - the name of the parameter whose value should be retrieved
defaultValue - the default value to return if the value of this parameter was not specified
the value of the parameter, or the default value if the parameter was not specified


public int getIntParameter(String name)
                    throws NumberFormatException
Get the value of a specified parameter as an integer. An exception will be thrown if the parameter is not specified or if it is not an integer. The value may be specified in decimal, hexadecimal, or octal, as defined by Integer.decode().

name - the name of the parameter whose value should be retrieved
the value of the parameter
NumberFormatException - if the parameter is not specified or is not an integer
See Also:


public int getIntParameter(String name,
                           int defaultValue)
Get the value of a specified parameter as an integer, or return the specified default value if the value was not specified or is not an integer. A warning will be logged if the value is not an integer. The value may be specified in decimal, hexadecimal, or octal, as defined by Integer.decode().

name - the name of the parameter whose value should be retrieved
defaultValue - the default value to return if the value of this parameter was not specified
the value of the parameter, or the default value if the parameter was not specified
See Also:


public long getLongParameter(String name)
                      throws NumberFormatException
Get the value of a specified parameter as a long. An exception will be thrown if the parameter is not specified or if it is not a long. The value may be specified in decimal, hexadecimal, or octal, as defined by Long.decode().

name - the name of the parameter whose value should be retrieved
the value of the parameter
NumberFormatException - if the parameter is not specified or is not a long
See Also:


public long getLongParameter(String name,
                             long defaultValue)
Get the value of a specified parameter as along, or return the specified default value if the value was not specified or is not a long. A warning will be logged if the value is not a long. The value may be specified in decimal, hexadecimal, or octal, as defined by Long.decode().

name - the name of the parameter whose value should be retrieved
defaultValue - the default value to return if the value of this parameter was not specified
the value of the parameter, or the default value if the parameter was not specified
See Also:

Apache JMeter

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