Apache JMeter

Class ReportActionRouter

  extended by org.apache.jmeter.report.gui.action.ReportActionRouter
All Implemented Interfaces:
ActionListener, EventListener

public final class ReportActionRouter
extends Object
implements ActionListener

Method Summary
 void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
 void addPostActionListener(Class<?> action, ActionListener listener)
          Allows an ActionListener to receive notification of a command being executed after the command has executed.
 void addPreActionListener(Class<?> action, ActionListener listener)
          Allows an ActionListener to receive notification of a command being executed prior to the actual execution of the command.
 void doActionNow(ActionEvent e)
          To execute an action immediately in the current thread.
 Set<Command> getAction(String actionName)
 Command getAction(String actionName, Class<?> actionClass)
 Command getAction(String actionName, String className)
static ReportActionRouter getInstance()
          Gets the Instance attribute of the ActionRouter class
protected  void postActionPerformed(Class<? extends Command> action, ActionEvent e)
protected  void preActionPerformed(Class<? extends Command> action, ActionEvent e)
 void removePostActionListener(Class<?> action, ActionListener listener)
          Allows an ActionListener to be removed from receiving notifications of a command being executed after the command has executed.
 void removePreActionListener(Class<?> action, ActionListener listener)
          Allows an ActionListener to be removed from receiving notifications of a command being executed prior to the actual execution of the command.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
Specified by:
actionPerformed in interface ActionListener


public void doActionNow(ActionEvent e)
To execute an action immediately in the current thread.

e - the action to execute


public Set<Command> getAction(String actionName)


public Command getAction(String actionName,
                         Class<?> actionClass)


public Command getAction(String actionName,
                         String className)


public void addPreActionListener(Class<?> action,
                                 ActionListener listener)
Allows an ActionListener to receive notification of a command being executed prior to the actual execution of the command.

action - the Class of the command for which the listener will notifications for. Class must extend org.apache.jmeter.report.gui.action.Command.
listener - the ActionListener to receive the notifications


public void removePreActionListener(Class<?> action,
                                    ActionListener listener)
Allows an ActionListener to be removed from receiving notifications of a command being executed prior to the actual execution of the command.

action - the Class of the command for which the listener will notifications for. Class must extend org.apache.jmeter.report.gui.action.Command.
listener - the ActionListener to receive the notifications


public void addPostActionListener(Class<?> action,
                                  ActionListener listener)
Allows an ActionListener to receive notification of a command being executed after the command has executed.

action - the Class of the command for which the listener will notifications for. Class must extend org.apache.jmeter.report.gui.action.Command.
listener -


public void removePostActionListener(Class<?> action,
                                     ActionListener listener)
Allows an ActionListener to be removed from receiving notifications of a command being executed after the command has executed.

action - the Class of the command for which the listener will notifications for. Class must extend org.apache.jmeter.report.gui.action.Command.
listener -


protected void preActionPerformed(Class<? extends Command> action,
                                  ActionEvent e)


protected void postActionPerformed(Class<? extends Command> action,
                                   ActionEvent e)


public static ReportActionRouter getInstance()
Gets the Instance attribute of the ActionRouter class

The Instance value

Apache JMeter

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