Apache JMeter

Package org.apache.jmeter.timers

Interface Summary
Timer This interface defines those methods that must be implemented by timer plugins.

Class Summary
ConstantThroughputTimer This class implements a constant throughput timer.
ConstantThroughputTimerBeanInfo BeanInfo for the ConstantThroughputTimer.
ConstantTimer This class implements a constant timer with its own panel and fields for value update and user interaction.
GaussianRandomTimer This class implements those methods needed by RandomTimer to be instantiable and implements a random delay with an average value and a gaussian distributed variation.
PoissonRandomTimer This class implements those methods needed by RandomTimer to be instantiable and implements a random delay with an average value and a Poisson distributed variation.
RandomTimer This class implements a random timer with its own panel and fields for value update and user interaction.
SyncTimer The purpose of the SyncTimer is to block threads until X number of threads have been blocked, and then they are all released at once.
UniformRandomTimer This class implements those methods needed by RandomTimer to be instantiable and implements a random delay with an average value and a uniformly distributed variation.

Apache JMeter

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