Apache JMeter

Class RunningSample

  extended by org.apache.jmeter.visualizers.RunningSample

public class RunningSample
extends Object

Running sample data container. Just instantiate a new instance of this class, and then call addSample(SampleResult) a few times, and pull the stats out with whatever methods you prefer.

Please note that this class is not thread-safe. The calling class is responsible for ensuring thread safety if required. Versions prior to 2.3.2 appeared to be thread-safe but weren't as label and index were not final. Also the caller needs to synchronize access in order to enure that variables are consistent.

Constructor Summary
RunningSample(RunningSample src)
          Copy constructor to create a duplicate of existing instance (without the disadvantages of clone()
RunningSample(String label, int index)
          Use this constructor to create the initial instance
Method Summary
 void addSample(RunningSample rs)
          Adds another RunningSample to this one.
 void addSample(SampleResult res)
          Records a sample.
 void clear()
          Clear the counters (useful for differential stats)
 long getAverage()
          Returns the average time in milliseconds that samples ran in.
 long getElapsed()
          Get the elapsed time for the samples
 long getErrorCount()
 double getErrorPercentage()
          Returns the raw double value of the percentage of samples with errors that were recorded.
 String getErrorPercentageString()
          Returns a String which represents the percentage of sample errors that have occurred. ("0.00%" through "100.00%")
 int getIndex()
 String getLabel()
 long getMax()
          Returns the time in milliseconds of the slowest sample.
 long getMin()
          Returns the time in milliseconds of the quickest sample.
 long getNumSamples()
          Returns the number of samples that have been recorded by this instance of the RunningSample class.
 double getRate()
          Returns the throughput associated to this sampler in requests per second.
 double getRatePerMin()
          Returns the throughput associated to this sampler in requests per min.
 String getRateString()
          Returns a String that represents the throughput associated for this sampler, in units appropriate to its dimension: The number is represented in requests/second or requests/minute or requests/hour.
 String toString()
          For debugging purposes, mainly.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public RunningSample(String label,
                     int index)
Use this constructor to create the initial instance


public RunningSample(RunningSample src)
Copy constructor to create a duplicate of existing instance (without the disadvantages of clone()

src - existing RunningSample to be copied
Method Detail


public void clear()
Clear the counters (useful for differential stats)


public long getElapsed()
Get the elapsed time for the samples

how long the samples took


public double getRate()
Returns the throughput associated to this sampler in requests per second. May be slightly skewed because it takes the timestamps of the first and last samples as the total time passed, and the test may actually have started before that start time and ended after that end time.


public double getRatePerMin()
Returns the throughput associated to this sampler in requests per min. May be slightly skewed because it takes the timestamps of the first and last samples as the total time passed, and the test may actually have started before that start time and ended after that end time.


public String getRateString()
Returns a String that represents the throughput associated for this sampler, in units appropriate to its dimension:

The number is represented in requests/second or requests/minute or requests/hour.

Examples: "34.2/sec" "0.1/sec" "43.0/hour" "15.9/min"

a String representation of the rate the samples are being taken at.


public String getLabel()


public int getIndex()


public void addSample(SampleResult res)
Records a sample.


public void addSample(RunningSample rs)
Adds another RunningSample to this one. Does not check if it has the same label and index.


public long getMin()
Returns the time in milliseconds of the quickest sample.

the time in milliseconds of the quickest sample.


public long getMax()
Returns the time in milliseconds of the slowest sample.

the time in milliseconds of the slowest sample.


public long getAverage()
Returns the average time in milliseconds that samples ran in.

the average time in milliseconds that samples ran in.


public long getNumSamples()
Returns the number of samples that have been recorded by this instance of the RunningSample class.

the number of samples that have been recorded by this instance of the RunningSample class.


public double getErrorPercentage()
Returns the raw double value of the percentage of samples with errors that were recorded. (Between 0.0 and 1.0) If you want a nicer return format, see getErrorPercentageString().

the raw double value of the percentage of samples with errors that were recorded.


public String getErrorPercentageString()
Returns a String which represents the percentage of sample errors that have occurred. ("0.00%" through "100.00%")

a String which represents the percentage of sample errors that have occurred.


public String toString()
For debugging purposes, mainly.

toString in class Object


public long getErrorCount()

Apache JMeter

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