Apache JMeter

Class SearchByClass<T>

  extended by org.apache.jorphan.collections.SearchByClass<T>
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SearchByClass<T>
extends Object
implements HashTreeTraverser

Useful for finding all nodes in the tree that represent objects of a particular type. For instance, if your tree contains all strings, and a few StringBuilder objects, you can use the SearchByClass traverser to find all the StringBuilder objects in your tree.

Usage is simple. Given a HashTree object "tree", and a SearchByClass object:

 HashTree tree = new HashTree();
 // ... tree gets filled with objects
 SearchByClass searcher = new SearchByClass(StringBuilder.class);
 Iterator iter = searcher.getSearchResults().iterator();
 while (iter.hasNext()) {
  StringBuilder foundNode = (StringBuilder) iter.next();
  HashTree subTreeOfFoundNode = searcher.getSubTree(foundNode);
  //  .... do something with node and subTree...

$Revision: 882000 $
See Also:
HashTree, HashTreeTraverser

Constructor Summary
SearchByClass(Class<T> searchClass)
          Creates an instance of SearchByClass, and sets the Class to be searched for.
Method Summary
 void addNode(Object node, HashTree subTree)
          The tree traverses itself depth-first, calling addNode for each object it encounters as it goes.
 Collection<T> getSearchResults()
          After traversing the HashTree, call this method to get a collection of the nodes that were found.
 HashTree getSubTree(Object root)
          Given a specific found node, this method will return the sub tree of that node.
 void processPath()
          Process path is called when a leaf is reached.
 void subtractNode()
          Indicates traversal has moved up a step, and the visitor should remove the top node from its stack structure.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SearchByClass(Class<T> searchClass)
Creates an instance of SearchByClass, and sets the Class to be searched for.

searchClass -
Method Detail


public Collection<T> getSearchResults()
After traversing the HashTree, call this method to get a collection of the nodes that were found.

Collection All found nodes of the requested type


public HashTree getSubTree(Object root)
Given a specific found node, this method will return the sub tree of that node.

root - the node for which the sub tree is requested


public void addNode(Object node,
                    HashTree subTree)
The tree traverses itself depth-first, calling addNode for each object it encounters as it goes. This is a callback method, and should not be called except by a HashTree during traversal.

Specified by:
addNode in interface HashTreeTraverser
node - the node currently encountered
subTree - the HashTree under the node encountered


public void subtractNode()
Indicates traversal has moved up a step, and the visitor should remove the top node from its stack structure. This is a callback method, and should not be called except by a HashTree during traversal.

Specified by:
subtractNode in interface HashTreeTraverser


public void processPath()
Process path is called when a leaf is reached. If a visitor wishes to generate Lists of path elements to each leaf, it should keep a Stack data structure of nodes passed to it with addNode, and removing top items for every HashTreeTraverser.subtractNode() call. This is a callback method, and should not be called except by a HashTree during traversal.

Specified by:
processPath in interface HashTreeTraverser

Apache JMeter

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