Apache JMeter

Class ComponentUtil

  extended by org.apache.jorphan.gui.ComponentUtil

public final class ComponentUtil
extends Object

This class is a Util for awt Component and could be used to place them in center of an other.

$Revision: 674365 $

Method Summary
static void centerComponentInComponent(Component parent, Component toBeCentered)
          Use this static method if you want to center a component over another component.
static void centerComponentInWindow(Component component)
          Use this static method if you want to center a component in Window.
static void centerComponentInWindow(Component component, int percentOfScreen)
          Use this static method if you want to center and set its position compared to the size of the current users screen size.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static void centerComponentInWindow(Component component,
                                           int percentOfScreen)
Use this static method if you want to center and set its position compared to the size of the current users screen size. Valid percent is between +-(0-100) minus is treated as plus, bigger than 100 is always set to 100.

component - the component you want to center and set size on
percentOfScreen - the percent of the current screensize you want the component to be


public static void centerComponentInWindow(Component component)
Use this static method if you want to center a component in Window.

component - the component you want to center in window


public static void centerComponentInComponent(Component parent,
                                              Component toBeCentered)
Use this static method if you want to center a component over another component.

parent - the component you want to use to place it on
toBeCentered - the component you want to center

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