Apache JMeter

Class GUIFactory

  extended by org.apache.jmeter.gui.GUIFactory

public final class GUIFactory
extends Object

Provides a way to register and retrieve GUI classes and icons.

Method Summary
static JComponent getGUI(Class<?> elementClass)
          Get a component instance which has previously been registered for this class object.
static ImageIcon getIcon(Class<?> elementClass)
          Get an icon which has previously been registered for this class object.
static ImageIcon getIcon(Class<?> elementClass, boolean enabled)
          Get icon/disabledicon which has previously been registered for this class object.
static void registerDisabledIcon(String key, ImageIcon icon)
          Register an icon so that it can later be retrieved via getIcon(Class).
static void registerGUI(String key, Class<?> guiClass, Class<?> testClass)
          Register a GUI class so that it can later be retrieved via getGUI(Class).
static void registerIcon(String key, ImageIcon icon)
          Register an icon so that it can later be retrieved via getIcon(Class).
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static ImageIcon getIcon(Class<?> elementClass)
Get an icon which has previously been registered for this class object.

elementClass - the class object which we want to get an icon for
the associated icon, or null if this class or its superclass has not been registered


public static ImageIcon getIcon(Class<?> elementClass,
                                boolean enabled)
Get icon/disabledicon which has previously been registered for this class object.

elementClass - the class object which we want to get an icon for
enabled - - is icon enabled
the associated icon, or null if this class or its superclass has not been registered


public static JComponent getGUI(Class<?> elementClass)
Get a component instance which has previously been registered for this class object.

elementClass - the class object which we want to get an instance of
an instance of the class, or null if this class or its superclass has not been registered


public static void registerIcon(String key,
                                ImageIcon icon)
Register an icon so that it can later be retrieved via getIcon(Class). The key should match the fully-qualified class name for the class used as the parameter when retrieving the icon.

key - the name which can be used to retrieve this icon later
icon - the icon to store


public static void registerDisabledIcon(String key,
                                        ImageIcon icon)
Register an icon so that it can later be retrieved via getIcon(Class). The key should match the fully-qualified class name for the class used as the parameter when retrieving the icon.

key - the name which can be used to retrieve this icon later
icon - the icon to store


public static void registerGUI(String key,
                               Class<?> guiClass,
                               Class<?> testClass)
                        throws InstantiationException,
Register a GUI class so that it can later be retrieved via getGUI(Class). The key should match the fully-qualified class name for the class used as the parameter when retrieving the GUI.

key - the name which can be used to retrieve this GUI later
guiClass - the class object for the GUI component
testClass - the class of the objects edited by this GUI
InstantiationException - if an instance of the GUI class can not be instantiated
IllegalAccessException - if access rights do not permit an instance of the GUI class to be created

Apache JMeter

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