Apache JMeter

Package org.apache.jmeter.gui

Interface Summary
JMeterGUIComponent Implementing this interface indicates that the class is a JMeter GUI Component.
Searchable Interface for nodes that are searchable
Stoppable Interface that identifies processes to stop on close or load of new project files
UnsharedComponent Marker interface indicating that an instance of a component cannot be shared.

Class Summary
AbstractJMeterGuiComponent This abstract class takes care of the most basic functions necessary to create a viable JMeter GUI component.
CommentPanel Generic comment panel for Test Elements
GUIFactory Provides a way to register and retrieve GUI classes and icons.
GuiPackage GuiPackage is a static class that provides convenient access to information about the current state of JMeter's GUI.
JMeterFileFilter A file filter which allows files to be filtered based on a list of allowed extensions.
LoggerPanel Panel that shows log events
MainFrame The main JMeter frame, containing the menu bar, test tree, and an area for JMeter component GUIs.
ReportGuiPackage ReportGuiPackage is based on GuiPackage, but with changes for the reporting tool.
ReportMainFrame ReportMainFrame is based on MainFrame. it uses the same basic structure, but with changes for the report gui.
ReportMainFrame.WindowHappenings A window adapter used to detect when the main JMeter frame is being closed.
SavePropertyDialog Generates Configure pop-up dialogue for Listeners from all methods in SampleSaveConfiguration with the signature "boolean saveXXX()".
ServerPanel Common server panel implementation for use with HTTP, TCP etc samplers

Apache JMeter

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