Apache JMeter

Package org.apache.jmeter.gui.action

Interface Summary
Searcher Search algorithm

Class Summary
AboutCommand About Command.
AddParent Implements the Add Parent menu command
ChangeParent Implements the Add Parent menu command
CheckDirty Check if the TestPlan has been changed since it was last saved
Clear Handles the following actions: - Clear (Data) - Clear All (Data) - Reset (Clear GUI)
Close This command clears the existing test plan, allowing the creation of a New test plan.
CollapseExpand Processes the Collapse All and Expand All options.
Copy Implements the Copy menu command
Cut Implements the Cut menu item command
Duplicate Implements the Duplicate menu command
EditCommand Implements the Edit menu item.
EnableComponent Implements the Enable menu item.
Help Implements the Help menu item.
Load Handles the Open (load a new file) and Merge commands.
LoadDraggedFile Handles the loading of a file from a Drag and Drop action.
LoadRecentProject Handles the loading of recent files, and also the content and visibility of menu items for loading the recent files
LoggerPanelEnableDisable Hide / unhide LoggerPanel.
LookAndFeelCommand Implements the Look and Feel menu item.
Paste Places a copied JMeterTreeNode under the selected node.
RawTextSearcher Searcher implementation that searches text as is
RegexpSearcher Regexp search implementation
Remove Implements the Remove menu item.
ResetSearchCommand Reset Search
RevertProject Handles the Revert Project command.
Save Save the current test plan; implements: Save Save TestPlan As Save (Selection) As
SaveGraphics SaveGraphics action is meant to be a generic reusable Action.
SearchTreeCommand Search nodes for a text TODO Enhance search dialog to select kind of nodes ....
SSLManagerCommand SSL Manager Command.
StopStoppables Stops stopables (Proxy, Mirror)
ToolBar Hide / unhide toolbar.
What Debug class to show details of the currently selected object Currently shows TestElement and GUI class names Also enables/disables debug for the test element.

Apache JMeter

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