Apache JMeter

Package org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.sampler

Class Summary
AccessLogSampler Description:

AccessLogSampler is responsible for a couple of things: creating instances of Generator creating instances of Parser triggering popup windows calling Generator.generateRequest() checking to make sure the classes are valid making sure a class can be instantiated The intent of this sampler is it uses the generator and parser to create a HTTPSampler when it is needed.
AjpSampler Selector for the AJP/1.3 protocol (i.e. what Tomcat uses with mod_jk) It allows you to test Tomcat in AJP mode without actually having Apache installed and configured
HTTPAbstractImpl Base class for HTTP implementations used by the HTTPSamplerProxy sampler.
HTTPFileImpl HTTP Sampler which can read from file: URLs
HTTPHC3Impl HTTP sampler using Apache (Jakarta) Commons HttpClient 3.1.
HTTPHC4Impl HTTP Sampler using Apache HttpClient 4.x.
HTTPHCAbstractImpl Common parent class for HttpClient implementations.
HTTPJavaImpl A sampler which understands all the parts necessary to read statistics about HTTP requests, including cookies and authentication.
HTTPSampler A sampler which understands all the parts necessary to read statistics about HTTP requests, including cookies and authentication.
HTTPSampler2 A sampler which understands all the parts necessary to read statistics about HTTP requests, including cookies and authentication.
HTTPSamplerBase Common constants and methods for HTTP samplers
HTTPSamplerBaseBeanInfo This class does not appear to be used.
HTTPSamplerBaseConverter Class for XStream conversion of HTTPResult
HTTPSampleResult This is a specialisation of the SampleResult class for the HTTP protocol.
HTTPSamplerFactory Factory to return the appropriate HTTPSampler for use with classes that need an HTTPSampler; also creates the implementations for use with HTTPSamplerProxy.
HTTPSamplerProxy Proxy class that dispatches to the appropriate HTTP sampler.
PostWriter Class for setting the necessary headers for a POST request, and sending the body of the POST.
PutWriter Class for setting the necessary headers for a PUT request, and sending the body of the PUT.
SoapSampler Commons HTTPClient based soap sampler
WebServiceSampler Sampler to handle Web Service requests.

Apache JMeter

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