Apache JMeter

Package org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.util

Interface Summary
HTTPConstantsInterface Constants used in HTTP, mainly header names.

Class Summary
Base64Encoder This class provides an implementation of Base64 encoding without relying on the the sun.* packages.
ConversionUtils General purpose conversion utilities related to HTTP/HTML
DOMPool The purpose of this class is to cache the DOM Documents in memory and by-pass parsing.
HC4TrustAllSSLSocketFactory Apache HttpClient protocol factory to generate SSL sockets
HTTPConstants Constants used in HTTP, mainly header names.
HTTPFileArg Class representing a file parameter for http upload.
HTTPFileArgs A set of HTTPFileArg objects.
HTTPResultConverter Class for XStream conversion of HTTPResult
LoopbackHttpClientSocketFactory Commons HttpClient protocol factory to generate Loopback HTTP sockets
SlowHC4SocketFactory Apache HttpClient protocol factory to generate "slow" sockets for emulating dial-up modems
SlowHC4SSLSocketFactory Apache HttpClient protocol factory to generate "slow" SSL sockets for emulating dial-up modems
SlowHttpClientSocketFactory Commons HttpClient protocol factory to generate "slow" sockets for emulating dial-up modems
WSDLHelper For now I use DOM for WSDLHelper, but it would be more efficient to use JAXB to generate an object model for WSDL and use it to perform serialization and deserialization.

Exception Summary
WSDLException Created on: Jun 3, 2003

Apache JMeter

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