Apache JMeter

Class DOMPool

  extended by org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.util.DOMPool

public final class DOMPool
extends Object

The purpose of this class is to cache the DOM Documents in memory and by-pass parsing. For old systems or laptops, it's not practical to parse the XML documents every time. Therefore using a memory cache can reduce the CPU usage.

For now this is a simple version to test the feasibility of caching. If it works, this class will be replaced with an Apache commons or something equivalent. If I was familiar with Apache Commons Pool, I would probably use it, but since I don't know the API, it is quicker for Proof of Concept to just write a dumb one. If the number documents in the pool exceed several hundred, it will take a long time for the lookup.

Created on: Jun 17, 2003

Method Summary
static void clear()
          Clear cache
static Document getDocument(Object key)
          Return a document.
static void putDocument(Object key, Document data)
          Add an object to the cache.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static Document getDocument(Object key)
Return a document.

key -


public static void putDocument(Object key,
                               Document data)
Add an object to the cache.

key -
data -


public static void clear()
Clear cache

Apache JMeter

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