Apache JMeter

Interface Generator

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface Generator


Generator is a base interface that defines the minimum methods needed to implement a concrete generator. The reason for creating this interface is eventually JMeter could use the logs directly rather than pre- process the logs into a JMeter .jmx file. In situations where a test plan simulates load from production logs, it is more efficient for JMeter to use the logs directly.

From first hand experience, loading a test plan with 10K or more Requests requires a lot of memory. It's important to keep in mind this type of testing is closer to functional and regression testing than the typical stress tests. Typically, this kind of testing is most useful for search sites that get a large number of requests per day, but the request parameters vary dramatically. E-commerce sites typically have limited inventory, therefore it is better to design test plans that use data from the database.

$Revision: 1377070 $

Method Summary
 void close()
          close the generator
 Object generateRequest()
          The method is responsible for calling the necessary methods to generate a valid request.
 void reset()
          The purpose of the reset is so Samplers can explicitly call reset to create a new instance of HTTPSampler.
 void save()
          If the generator is converting the logs to a .jmx file, save should be called.
 void setHost(String host)
          The host is the name of the server.
 void setLabel(String label)
          This is the label for the request, which is used in the logs and results.
 void setMethod(String post_get)
          The method is the HTTP request method.
 void setParams(NVPair[] params)
          Set the request parameters
 void setPath(String path)
          The path is the web page you want to test.
 void setPort(int port)
          The default port for HTTP is 80, but not all servers run on that port.
 void setQueryString(String querystring)
          Set the querystring for the request if the method is GET.
 void setSourceLogs(String sourcefile)
          The source logs is the location where the access log resides.
 void setTarget(Object target)
          The target can be either a java.io.File or a Sampler.

Method Detail


void close()
close the generator


void setHost(String host)
The host is the name of the server.

host -


void setLabel(String label)
This is the label for the request, which is used in the logs and results.

label -


void setMethod(String post_get)
The method is the HTTP request method. It's normally POST or GET.

post_get -


void setParams(NVPair[] params)
Set the request parameters

params -


void setPath(String path)
The path is the web page you want to test.

path -


void setPort(int port)
The default port for HTTP is 80, but not all servers run on that port.

port - - port number


void setQueryString(String querystring)
Set the querystring for the request if the method is GET.

querystring -


void setSourceLogs(String sourcefile)
The source logs is the location where the access log resides.

sourcefile -


void setTarget(Object target)
The target can be either a java.io.File or a Sampler. We make it generic, so that later on we can use these classes directly from a HTTPSampler.

target -


Object generateRequest()
The method is responsible for calling the necessary methods to generate a valid request. If the generator is used to pre-process access logs, the method wouldn't return anything. If the generator is used by a control element, it should return the correct Sampler class with the required fields set.


void save()
If the generator is converting the logs to a .jmx file, save should be called.


void reset()
The purpose of the reset is so Samplers can explicitly call reset to create a new instance of HTTPSampler.

Apache JMeter

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