Apache JMeter

Class StandardGenerator

  extended by org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.util.accesslog.StandardGenerator
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Generator

public class StandardGenerator
extends Object
implements Generator, Serializable


StandardGenerator will be the default generator used to pre-process logs. It uses JMeter classes to generate the .jmx file. The first version of the utility only generated the HTTP requests as XML, but it required users to copy and paste it into a blank jmx file. Doing that way isn't flexible and would require changes to keep the format in sync.

This version is a completely new class with a totally different implementation, since generating the XML is no longer handled by the generator. The generator is only responsible for handling the parsed results and passing it to the appropriate JMeter class.

the class needs to first create a thread group and add it to the HashTree. Then the samplers should be added to the thread group. Listeners shouldn't be added and should be left up to the user. One option is to provide parameters, so the user can pass the desired listener to the tool.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected  File FILE
protected  String FILENAME
protected  OutputStream OUTPUT
protected  HTTPSamplerBase SAMPLE
protected  FileWriter WRITER
Constructor Summary
          The constructor is used by GUI and samplers to generate request objects.
StandardGenerator(String file)
Method Summary
 void close()
          close the generator
 Object generateRequest()
          The method is responsible for calling the necessary methods to generate a valid request.
protected  void initStream()
          Create the FileWriter to save the JMX file.
 void reset()
          Reset the HTTPSampler to make sure it is a new instance.
 void save()
          save must be called to write the jmx file, otherwise it will not be saved.
 void setHost(String host)
          The host is the name of the server.
 void setLabel(String label)
          This is the label for the request, which is used in the logs and results.
 void setMethod(String post_get)
          The method is the HTTP request method.
 void setParams(NVPair[] params)
          Set the request parameters
 void setPath(String path)
          The path is the web page you want to test.
 void setPort(int port)
          The default port for HTTP is 80, but not all servers run on that port.
 void setQueryString(String querystring)
          Set the querystring for the request if the method is GET.
 void setSourceLogs(String sourcefile)
          The source logs is the location where the access log resides.
 void setTarget(Object target)
          The target can be either a java.io.File or a Sampler.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected HTTPSamplerBase SAMPLE


protected transient FileWriter WRITER


protected transient OutputStream OUTPUT


protected String FILENAME


protected File FILE
Constructor Detail


public StandardGenerator()
The constructor is used by GUI and samplers to generate request objects.


public StandardGenerator(String file)
file -
Method Detail


protected void initStream()
Create the FileWriter to save the JMX file.


public void close()
close the generator

Specified by:
close in interface Generator


public void setHost(String host)
The host is the name of the server.

Specified by:
setHost in interface Generator


public void setLabel(String label)
This is the label for the request, which is used in the logs and results.

Specified by:
setLabel in interface Generator


public void setMethod(String post_get)
The method is the HTTP request method. It's normally POST or GET.

Specified by:
setMethod in interface Generator


public void setParams(NVPair[] params)
Set the request parameters

Specified by:
setParams in interface Generator


public void setPath(String path)
The path is the web page you want to test.

Specified by:
setPath in interface Generator


public void setPort(int port)
The default port for HTTP is 80, but not all servers run on that port.

Specified by:
setPort in interface Generator
port - - port number


public void setQueryString(String querystring)
Set the querystring for the request if the method is GET.

Specified by:
setQueryString in interface Generator


public void setSourceLogs(String sourcefile)
The source logs is the location where the access log resides.

Specified by:
setSourceLogs in interface Generator


public void setTarget(Object target)
The target can be either a java.io.File or a Sampler. We make it generic, so that later on we can use these classes directly from a HTTPSampler.

Specified by:
setTarget in interface Generator


public Object generateRequest()
The method is responsible for calling the necessary methods to generate a valid request. If the generator is used to pre-process access logs, the method wouldn't return anything. If the generator is used by a control element, it should return the correct Sampler class with the required fields set.

Specified by:
generateRequest in interface Generator


public void save()
save must be called to write the jmx file, otherwise it will not be saved.

Specified by:
save in interface Generator


public void reset()
Reset the HTTPSampler to make sure it is a new instance.

The purpose of the reset is so Samplers can explicitly call reset to create a new instance of HTTPSampler.

Specified by:
reset in interface Generator

Apache JMeter

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