Apache JMeter

Interface DataSet

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public interface DataSet
extends Visualizer

DataSet extends Visualizer so that it can be used with ResultCollector. Classes implementing the interface should create a new instance of ResultCollector and call setListener(Visualizer) passing itself. When the ResultCollector.loadExistingFile is called, it will pass the SampleResults.

Method Summary
 String getDataSource()
          Return the datasource.
 String getDataSourceName()
          In some cases, we may want to return a string that isn't the full datasource string or something different.
 Date getDate()
          Return the Date object using the start timestamp
 long getEndTimestamp()
          return the timestamp in millisecond format.
 String getMonthDayDate()
          convienance method for getting the date in mmdd format
 String getMonthDayYearDate()
          convienant method for getting the date in yyyymmdd format
 long getStartTimestamp()
          return the timestamp in millisecond format.
 SamplingStatCalculator getStatistics(String url)
          Return the SamplingStatCalculator for a specific URL.
 Set<SamplingStatCalculator> getStats()
          Classes implementing the method should return instance of SamplingStatCalculator.
 List<SamplingStatCalculator> getStats(List urls)
          Convenience method for getting all the SamplingStatCalculators for a given URL.
 Set<?> getURLs()
          Classes implementing the method should return the URL's in the DataSet.
 void loadData()
          Classes implementing the method should load the data from the target location.
 void setDataSource(String datasource)
          Depending on the implementation, the datasouce could be a file or a RDBMS.
 void setEndTimestamp(long stamp)
          Set the timestamp using the last result from the datasource
 void setStartTimestamp(long stamp)
          Set the timestamp using the first result from the datasource
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.jmeter.visualizers.Visualizer
add, isStats

Method Detail


void setDataSource(String datasource)
Depending on the implementation, the datasouce could be a file or a RDBMS. It's up to the implementing class to decide.

datasource -


String getDataSource()
Return the datasource. For files, it should be the absolute path. For databases, it should be the datasource name created in jmeter.


String getDataSourceName()
In some cases, we may want to return a string that isn't the full datasource string or something different. For example, we may want to return just the filename and not the absolutePath of a JTL file.


void setStartTimestamp(long stamp)
Set the timestamp using the first result from the datasource

stamp -


long getStartTimestamp()
return the timestamp in millisecond format.


void setEndTimestamp(long stamp)
Set the timestamp using the last result from the datasource

stamp -


long getEndTimestamp()
return the timestamp in millisecond format.


Date getDate()
Return the Date object using the start timestamp


String getMonthDayDate()
convienance method for getting the date in mmdd format


String getMonthDayYearDate()
convienant method for getting the date in yyyymmdd format


Set<?> getURLs()
Classes implementing the method should return the URL's in the DataSet. It is up to the class to return Strings or URL.


Set<SamplingStatCalculator> getStats()
Classes implementing the method should return instance of SamplingStatCalculator.

the set of statistics


SamplingStatCalculator getStatistics(String url)
Return the SamplingStatCalculator for a specific URL.

url -


List<SamplingStatCalculator> getStats(List urls)
Convenience method for getting all the SamplingStatCalculators for a given URL.

urls -


void loadData()
Classes implementing the method should load the data from the target location. It doesn't necessarily have to be a file. It could be from a database.

Apache JMeter

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