Apache JMeter

Interface Visualizer

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractVisualizer, AssertionVisualizer, BeanShellListener, BSFListener, ComparisonVisualizer, DistributionGraphVisualizer, GraphVisualizer, JSR223Listener, JTLData, MailerVisualizer, MonitorHealthVisualizer, RespTimeGraphVisualizer, SimpleDataWriter, SplineVisualizer, StatGraphVisualizer, StatVisualizer, SummaryReport, TableVisualizer, ViewResultsFullVisualizer

public interface Visualizer

Implement this method to be a Visualizer for JMeter. This interface defines a single method, "add()", that provides the means by which SampleResults are passed to the implementing visualizer for display/logging. The easiest way to create the visualizer is to extend the AbstractVisualizer class.

Method Summary
 void add(SampleResult sample)
          This method is called by sampling thread to inform the visualizer about the arrival of a new sample.
 boolean isStats()
          This method is used to indicate a visualizer generates statistics.

Method Detail


void add(SampleResult sample)
This method is called by sampling thread to inform the visualizer about the arrival of a new sample.


boolean isStats()
This method is used to indicate a visualizer generates statistics.

true if visualiser generates statistics

Apache JMeter

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