Apache JMeter

Interface Interruptible

All Known Implementing Classes:
AccessLogSampler, AjpSampler, BeanShellSampler, FTPSampler, HTTPAbstractImpl, HTTPFileImpl, HTTPHC3Impl, HTTPHC4Impl, HTTPHCAbstractImpl, HTTPJavaImpl, HTTPSampler, HTTPSampler2, HTTPSamplerProxy, JMeterThread, MailReaderSampler, SoapSampler, SubscriberSampler, TCPSampler, TestAction

public interface Interruptible

Samplers which are able to interrupt a potentially long-running operation should implement this interface.

Method Summary
 boolean interrupt()
          Interrupt the current operation if possible.

Method Detail


boolean interrupt()
Interrupt the current operation if possible.

true if there was an operation to interrupt.

Apache JMeter

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