Apache JMeter

Package org.apache.jmeter.samplers

Interface Summary
Clearable Identifies an object which supports the clearing of run-time data using the clearData() method.
Interruptible Samplers which are able to interrupt a potentially long-running operation should implement this interface.
Remoteable Marker interface used by ConvertListeners to determine which test elements to wrap so that the results are processed by the client rather than the server
RemoteSampleListener Allows notification on events occuring during the sampling process.
SampleListener Allows notification on events occuring during the sampling process.
Sampler Classes which are able to generate information about an entry should implement this interface.
SampleSender This interface is used to define the methods that need to be intercepted by the SampleSender wrapper classes processed by the RemoteListenerWrapper.

Class Summary
AbstractSampleSender Base class for SampleSender implementations
BatchSampleSender Implements batch reporting for remote testing.
DataStrippingSampleSender The standard remote sample reporting should be more friendly to the main purpose of remote testing - which is scalability.
DiskStoreSampleSender Version of HoldSampleSender that stores the samples on disk as a serialised stream.
HoldSampleSender Lars-Erik Helander provided the idea (and original implementation) for the caching functionality (sampleStore).
RemoteListenerWrapper Lars-Erik Helander provided the idea (and original implementation) for the caching functionality (sampleStore).
RemoteSampleListenerImpl Implementation of remote sampler listener, also supports TestStateListener
SampleEvent Packages information regarding the target of a sample event, such as the result from that event and the thread group it ran in.
SampleResult This is a nice packaging for the various information returned from taking a sample of an entry.
SampleSaveConfiguration Holds details of which sample attributes to save.
StandardSampleSender Default behaviour for remote testing.
StatisticalSampleResult Aggregates sample results for use by the Statistical remote batch mode.
StatisticalSampleSender Implements batch reporting for remote testing.

Apache JMeter

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